Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello and Goodbye

Hello blog world! It's been a while... I have had lots of technical problems with my blog over the last year and I finally gave up and started over.

Yesterday, my sister Hannah said so-long and headed off for an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries. It was definitely bittersweet. I am SO exited that she has the opportunity to travel around the world and change lives. I know without a doubt that God is going to do amazing things through her. The only ways we will have to communicate with her are Skype, Facebook and blog updates, so I am going to attempt to update this thing as often as I can so she doesn't miss anything.  

This blog post is dedicated to her:

We are only 14 months apart, and have been best friends since day one. When we were toddlers she would always try to keep me awake to talk. She would say, "Not go sleep yat-yule (Rachel), not go sleep!" :)

We've almost been more like twins than just sisters. We've shared clothes our whole lives. And we still do. :P

Hannah was always the good example that I should have been as the older sister. I respect her and look up to her so, so much for consistently making good choices and pursuing a strong, intimate relationship with God. It has made her into an incredibly confident person and changed her quiet personality tremendously. I can honestly see her changing the world! Her passion for God has inspired and encouraged more than she knows to walk closely with God. 

Our Europe adventures are some of the best memories I have with her.


Notre Dame

The Louvre

The Eiffel Tower

She's always been there to support and love me in all my ups and downs, the thick and thin, the life-changing events in my life, and in the small insignificant moments. 

I am so grateful to have such an amazing, godly sister. 
Love you Hannah! Can't wait to see you in 11 months!

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